Biologist, Ecologist

I'm a Brazilian citizen; potiguar. My cultural formation and academic history have built in me a passion for diversity - in all senses - and a devotion to everything that's alive. This also came with a strong theoretical connection between the life sciences and everyday actions, showing me that everything around is is political and affects us.

"Ecology without class warfare is just gardening." - Chico Mendes

Research Pillars

My research is based on three main pillars that may, or may not, interact in specific projects.

Biodiversity & Ecosystem Functioning



Please click here for the publications list, and here to check out current projects and professional networks.

Academic History

Technician in Environmental Control

Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte

B.Sc. Biology

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

M.Sc. Ecology

Universität Leipzig & German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig

Ph.D. Ecology


Neue Harth, Leipzig, 2020
Neue Harth, Leipzig, 2020
Monopoli (BA) in Feb/2023
Monopoli (BA) in Feb/2023
Carnauba, the three of life, in the deep Caatinga (Brazil)
Carnauba, the three of life, in the deep Caatinga (Brazil)

Fieldwork, holidays or just an ordinary day in life. Here are some clicks I took and found pretty.

General recommendations

Many things have influenced me to take the ways I did, and to think the way I do - in life and in Science. Here are some documentaries, books, movies, notes, etc., that I recommend getting to know.